There are two ways to Sign in to Xata's Support Portal:
- Sign in with Google: You can log in using the same Google account that you use to log in to your Xata App account.
Note that you need to sign in to Xata's Support Portal separately even if you are logged in to the Xata App already, as the Support Portal uses a different login session from the Xata App. - Sign in with Email & Password: you can create a regular username (Email) and Password combination using the "New to Sign up" option from the "Sign in" popup.
If you have logged in to the Xata App at least once, then our Support Portal already knows about your email address. In this case you can simply click on the "Have you emailed us? Get a password" option to set up your password.
In case you had previously visited the Support Portal but you don't remember your password, you can click on the "Forgot my password" option from the "Sign in" pop up, to reset it.
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